Shadowrun Rhine-Ruhr-Megaplex 2082 and Vendetta

Cover picture of the Rhine-Ruhr-Megaplex 2082 sourcebook

Cover picture of the Rhine-Ruhr-Megaplex 2082 sourcebook

Cover picture of the Vendetta campaign book (yes, it was "taken" at the same spot as the RRP cover pic)

Cover picture of the Vendetta campaign book (yes, it was "taken" at the same spot as the RRP cover pic)

Hanging out at the Drinking Hall

Hanging out at the Drinking Hall

A meeting of the Spartakusbund gets a visit by unmarked security forces

A meeting of the Spartakusbund gets a visit by unmarked security forces

In the skies above Dortmund

In the skies above Dortmund

Meeting under an Autobahn overpass

Meeting under an Autobahn overpass

Saeder-Krupp's mechanized Myrmidon armor

Saeder-Krupp's mechanized Myrmidon armor

Telling the workers they are not needed anymore

Telling the workers they are not needed anymore

Donna Michaela from la famiglia

Donna Michaela from la famiglia

The old mafia boss, Don Lupo

The old mafia boss, Don Lupo

Jacko, a shadowposter with deep mafia connections

Jacko, a shadowposter with deep mafia connections

Introducing a rising star of the RRP mafia

Introducing a rising star of the RRP mafia

Shadowrunners at work

Shadowrunners at work

An thus endeth the Urban Brawl game

An thus endeth the Urban Brawl game